Archive for March, 2021
Proper Korean Expressions at a Family Event (Part 2) Posted by Flying Oyster on Mar 29, 2021

Previously, we reviewed Proper Korean Expressions at a Family Event. Today, we are going to study what to properly say in more difficult circumstances, such as at 병문안 (byung-moon-an: visiting the sick) or a funeral. I personally think that many Korean expressions that are commonly used at 경조사 (kyung-joh-sah: a family event), particularly in…
About Korean Actress Youn Yuh-jung Posted by Flying Oyster on Mar 8, 2021

March 8th is International Women’s Day. I know that there are many international women’s stories I can talk about, but there is a woman who made me proud of where I am from. Her name is 윤여정 (Youn Yuh-jung). 윤여정 is a South Korean actress, who is at the top of stardom. She has been…