Korean Language Blog

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Proper Korean Expressions at a Family Event (Part 2) Posted by on Mar 29, 2021

Previously, we reviewed Proper Korean Expressions at a Family Event. Today, we are going to study what to properly say in more difficult circumstances, such as at 병문안 (byung-moon-an: visiting the sick) or a funeral.    I personally think that many Korean expressions that are commonly used at 경조사 (kyung-joh-sah: a family event), particularly in…

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About Korean Actress Youn Yuh-jung Posted by on Mar 8, 2021

March 8th is International Women’s Day. I know that there are many international women’s stories I can talk about, but there is a woman who made me proud of where I am from. Her name is 윤여정 (Youn Yuh-jung). 윤여정 is a South Korean actress, who is at the top of stardom. She has been…

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Proper Korean Expressions at a Family Event (Part 1) Posted by on Feb 22, 2021

It is always better to share 경조 (kyung-jo: congratulations and condolences) with your people whether it is good or bad. Koreans consider that it is important to participate in 지인 (ji-in: an acquaintance)’s 경조사 (kyung-jo-sah: a family event) in order to share 희노애락 (hee-no-ae-lak: all kinds of emotions in life.)  It is one of the…

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Easy Korean Jjimdak Recipe at Home Posted by on Feb 9, 2021

Living abroad for a long period of time often makes you do things that you wouldn’t normally do at home. Covid-19 has certainly encouraged me to cook more Korean dishes than I would cook at home. I have started regularly cooking Korean food at home since last March when 자가격리 (jah-gah-gyuk-ri: lockdown) had been implemented…

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Korean Education Fever Posted by on Jan 27, 2021

When I was in teenager, there was a popular movie called 행복은 성적순이 아니잖아요. (Happiness Does Not Come In Grades). I bet that most Korean teenagers knew about this movie. I was, of course, one of them. I remember I sobbed like a baby at the end of the movie because it was a sad…

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Koreans Work Hard and Play Hard Posted by on Jan 14, 2021

The Seoul Olympics in 1988 is globally known as an economic miracle because nobody would expect that Koreans could host an Olympic game in a relatively short time after the Korean War in the 1950’s. The fundamental reason for this miracle was hard working Koreans.      Koreans have achieved this financial success thanks to…

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Korean Home Remedies for Common Cold Posted by on Dec 16, 2020

Winter is already here, and we all know that we should take extra care for our health this year. Today, I am going to share strategies on how Koreans prevent common cold.      Layer up   Korea has four different seasons and winter can be harsh. 환절기 (hwan-jeol-gi: in-between season), especially from fall to…

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