Going Beyond K-pop: Yiruma Welcomed Fall 2016 in America. Posted by Kyung-Hwa on Oct 27, 2016 in Vocabulary
My favorite Korean pianist and composer finally came to Washington, DC area: Although 이루마 (Yiruma) is not a typical K-pop musician, he is well-known as much as Psy-Gangnam Style in Korea. If you need beautiful piano music to enjoy the strikingly beautiful blue sky and vibrant foliage outside, try listening to these piano pieces composed by 이루마 (Yiruma): “River Flows In You,” “Kiss The Rain,” and “Maybe.” Especially, his composition “Poem” – a musical poem without words- will extend your enjoyment of this wonderful season.
South Korean 피아니스트 (pianist) and 작곡가 (composer), 이루마 (Yiruma), welcomed the beginning of 가을 (fall) with captivating piano melodies in Washington, DC, the last week of September. He has been touring and performing around the world in 2016, and this was his last stop in 미국 (America): His concert title was “Autumn Rain Live 2016 with 이루마 (Yiruma).” He has been my favorite Korean pianist and composer over a decade. Can you imagine how excited I was to go to his concert? If you are not familiar with his music, I suggest two musicians, Jim Brickman and Kevin Kern; who have somewhat similar styles to Yiruma.
이루마 (Yiruma) gained his popularity through Asia, Europe, and North America because of his romantic and inviting melody lines. Interestingly, genre of his 음악 (music) is somewhat vague since his music includes the following elements: 클래식 (classical) 현대 (contemporary), 팝 (popular), 재즈 (Jazz), and 뉴에이지 (new age). This is probably why his music is well received by so many people around the world. His compositions include main theme music of popular Korean dramas, such as “ 봄의 왈츠 (Spring Waltz)”, “겨울 연가 (Winter Sonata),” and “시크릿 가든 (Secret Garden).” In addition to these OST (Original Sounds Track), he composed pieces for movies and collaborated with many well-known musicians in Korea and overseas.
This YouTube has some of his popular pieces; especially, “River Flows In You,” “Kiss The Rain,” “Maybe,” and “When The Love Falls”, all well-known tunes to many people. You don’t have to try too hard to understand his tunes. Just close your eyes and listen to his captivating sweet-sounding melodies. Your ears will be engaged to these tuneful sounds; they will be resonated throughout the enchanting fall musical journey in your mind. I hope your ears will be pleased by these tuneful sounds, as well as engaged!
What did you think about them?
If you are interested in reading 이루마 (Yiruma)’s biography, please click this link.
*** Related Vocabulary ***
- 이루마 (Yiruma)
- 피아니스트 (pianist)
- 작곡가 (composer)
- 가을 (fall)
- 미국 (America)
- 음악 (music)
- 클래식 (classical)
- 현대 (contemporary)
- 팝 (popular)
- 재즈 (Jazz)
- 뉴에이지 (new age)
- 봄의 왈츠 (Spring Waltz)
- 겨울 연가 (Winter Sonata)
- 시크릿 가든 (Secret Garden)
*** Do you remember “저는 ____________예요/이에요. (I am ____________.)” expression?
Since this name이루마 (Yiruma) ends in a vowel, he would say,
저는 이루마예요 (I am Yiruma.)
감사합니다! (Thank you!)

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Great post
@David Thank you very much for your comment.
I am happy that you enjoyed my post *^^*
Superb musician.
@David I am very excited to hear your comment.
감사합니다!(Thank you!)
저 이루마 팬이에요. 좋은 글 감사합니다. 영어 공부하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
@Sun 이루마 씨의 또 한 분의 팬 ;^^ 반가워요~~
글에 대한 칭찬 감사드리고요, 이루마 씨 음악 즐기면서 영어 공부 열심히 하세요. 홧팅!!!