Korean Words That Phonetically Sound Like English Posted by Flying Oyster on Jul 9, 2020 in Vocabulary
About 20 years ago, I remember how startling it was when I heard a native speaker pronounce the word “chocolate” because the pronunciation of the word “chocolate” was entirely different than what I had known.
There are no other Korean words for this 외래어 (wae-rae-uh: loanword, foreign word usage). Therefore, I thought that native speakers would speak exactly the same as I would in saying 초코릿. However, the huge difference of the word “chocolate” between English and Korean is in intonation.
In Korean, we have many foreign words that phonetically sound like English. In fact, there is a strong movement to minimize 외래어 in order to prevent impurity in Korean.
I am going to share some examples of 외래어 in which the only difference is the Korean intonation. I included the audio files below. I want you to try to say the words in English after you listen to the files.
1. 초코릿 (cho-co-lit: chocolate)
2. 오렌지 (oh-ran-gee: orange)
Audio Player3. 카디건 (gah-dee-gun: cardigan)
Audio Player4. 비닐 (bee-nill: vinyl)
Audio Player5. 밀크쉐이크 (mil-keu-shae-ee-keu: milk shake)
Audio Player6. 드라이브 (deu-rai-ee-beu: drive)
Audio Player7. 쇼핑 (cho-ping: shopping)
Audio Player8. 폰 (pone: phone)
Audio Player9. 라이터 (lai-ee-ter: lighter)
Audio Player10. 가스 (gah-sseu: gas, stove)
Audio Player11. 도너츠 (doh-nuh-cheu: donuts)
Audio Player12. 커피 (kuh-pee: coffee)
Audio Player13. 바베큐 (bah-beh-kyoo: barbeque)
Audio Player14. 사우나 (sah-wooh-nah: sauna)
Audio Player15. 마요네즈 (mah-yo-neh-zeu: mayonnaise)
Audio Player16. 카라멜 (kah-lah-mel: caramel)
Audio Player17. 쥬스( jeu-seu: juice)
Audio Player18. 스포츠 (seu-poh-cheu: sports)
Audio Player19. 헬스 (hell-seu: health)
Audio Player20. 아파트 (ah-pah-teu: apartment)
Audio Player21. 피자 (pi-jah: pizza)
Audio Player22. 택시 (taek-ssi: taxi)
Audio Player

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Bobbie Beaucock:
On return of Superman, I ‘ve heard the expression “figh ting” and I thought it meant “let’s go”, but apparently it doesn’t. Do you have any idea what Korean expression it could be?
@Bobbie Beaucock Hi Bobbie,
I don’t know at what exact circumstances you heard ‘fighting’ on the show, but I assume that they said ‘fighting’ for raising their fighting (or matching) spirit before starting doing something. Hope it helps.