Spring Flowers and Their Vibrant Colors Posted by Kyung-Hwa on Apr 26, 2017 in Korean Language, Vocabulary
Spring in Korea generally starts in March and lasts until May. Due to its mild and warm weather, spring is a great time to explore many different attractions and enjoy the vibrant spring blossoms all over the country.
Korea has four distinctive seasons. 봄 (spring), 여름 (spring), 가을 (fall) , and 겨울 (winter), and each season lasts for about 3 months. As I mentioned in “Brrr! Winter in Seoul, South Korea”, the weather in South Korea is very similar to the weather in the northeastern states in America.
봄 (Spring) weather in Korea, although it can be chilly in the morning and at night, its temperature generally rises to 60 degrees Fahrenheit during the day. Its mild and warm spring weather brings an amazing transition of colors throughout the country. When the flowers that follow are in full bloom, the entire country is filled with colorful spring blossoms, and this beauty attracts many people outdoors.
개나리 (Forsythias) introduce the arrival of spring time with their bright 노란색 (color yellow). Radiant 개나리 along the roadsides are sure to brighten people’s days after the cold and drab 겨울 (winter) season, and they also encourage people to enjoy the colorful spring colors outside.
When 분홍색 (color pink), 보라색 (color purple), 하얀색 (color white) 철쭉 (rhododendrons) are in full bloom, these colorful flowers blaze through many mountains throughout Korea. As you hike the mountains, you will be amazed by their dazzling colors along the way.
벚꽃 (Cherry blossoms) also create a gorgeous scenery in the spring. Every year, 벚꽃 festivals in various locations attract many people around the country. It is such a beautiful experience to walk through the pale pink cherry blossoms that fall like snow.
The following are some of the popular flower festivals in the spring:
- 화개장터 벚꽃축제 (Hwagae Cherry Blossom Festival)
- 여의도 벚꽃축제 (Yeouido Spring Flower Festival),
- 진해군항제 (Jinhae Gunhangje Festival)
- 이천 백사 산수유꽃축제 (Icheon Baeksa Sansuyu Blossom Festival)
- 태안 세계 튤립축제 (Taean International Tulip Festival)
Besides 개나리, 철쭉, and 벚꽃, there are many other colorful flowers that paint the outdoors of Korea in the spring season. When these flowers are in full bloom, people like to visit parks, mountains, or flower festivals to enjoy their various colors. Spring in Korea brings many family members and friends together to enjoy the colorful outdoors around them.
감사합니다! (Thank you!)
***Related Vocabulary***
- 봄 (spring)
- 여름 (spring)
- 가을 (fall)
- 겨울 (winter)
- 개나리 (forsythia)
- 노란색 (color yellow)
- 분홍색 (color pink)
- 보라색 (color purple)
- 하얀색 (color white)
- 철쭉 (rhododendron)
- 벚꽃 (cherry blossom)

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thanks so much for your helpful Korean language course at all times.