Korean Language Blog

Tag Archives: Korean hangover cures

Korean Hangover Cures (Part 2) Posted by on Jun 19, 2019

I briefly mentioned in Part 1 that South Korea has one of the world’s highest alcohol consumption per capita. I personally blame old Korean 술문화 (sool-moon-hwa: drinking culture) and 소주 (soju: one of the most popular and cheap alcoholic drinks in Korea.) It is a strong alcohol made from sweet potatoes or rice. It is…

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Korean Hangover Cures (Part 1) Posted by on Jun 10, 2019

Every country has different hangover food. When I first moved to Australia, l was surprised when my friends were all looking for pizza as a hangover cure when my stomach was looking for a bowl of spicy Korean soup. Pizza can be a good hangover food option for me now since I have limited Korean…

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A Practical Guide for a Trip to Korea Posted by on Oct 30, 2015

There’s the DMZ, the Blue House (청와대), the temples, and monuments.  You could (maybe should) do that.  But when planning a trip to South Korea, no one would blame you if you wandered among the neon, snacking at street food stands.  Or if explored alleyways and followed the locals for samgyupsal (쌈겹살) or into hofs (호프)…

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