Memento Mori is a Latin sentence meaning “remember you will die” and is used to call to a person’s modesty, reminding that we are all human and we all get the time, and also indicating that life is, after all, very short. If we use Catholic terminology, we could say that the “remember that you were dust and to dust you shall return”, which if I remember correctly is said in the conclusion of a burial.
The origin of the phrase is in Rome, in ancient Rome. Apparently, when a victorious general or a powerful man walked the streets of Rome on parade to be acclaimed by the people, a man followed him constantly reminding this “memento mori“. I think it’s a good idea to remind someone who is at the top, that this is temporary situation and may not be the most important thing in life.
Some sources cite another version of the phrase, but used in the same context and with the same purpose. But the phrase we still use today and has endured over time is this “memento mori“.
I do not know what you think, but it seems to me a very important message and full of meaning and sense.