Latin Language Blog

Ancient Roman Mothers Posted by on May 8, 2011

In some parts of the world, today is Mother’s Day, so Happy Mother’s Day to all of you! In honor of Mother’s Day, we’ll be looking at the lives of some very famous ancient Roman mothers. To start off with, we should probably begin with Cornelia Africana, who was the mother to the Gracchi Brothers…

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Ancient Roman Royal Couples Posted by on May 4, 2011

The royal wedding in England was a big and lavish affair! Congrats to the royal couple! In honor of the royal couple, today’s post will feature some famous, or should I say notorious royal couples of ancient Rome. The first honor goes to Emperor Augustus and to his wife, Empress Livia Drusilla. They were the…

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Top Three Ancient Roman Controversies Posted by on Apr 30, 2011

There are certain controversies about ancient Rome that scholars have continued to argue over. Here is my Top Three List of controversies about ancient Rome. 1) There are a lot of controversies surrounding gladiators. There’s a popular belief that before gladiators fought to the death, they recited the phrase, “Ave Imperator, morituri te salutant”. The…

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Ancient Roman Quotes Posted by on Apr 27, 2011

Some of the greatest quotes and inspirational sayings come from ancient Rome. One such quote that comes to mind is “Consuetudinis magna vis est” by Cicero. Before I tell you what it means, try to figure out the meaning by yourself. You can get the general gist of a quote even if you don’t understand…

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Ancient Roman Adoptions Posted by on Apr 23, 2011

In Ancient Roman times, the practice of adopting boys among upper class families was fairly common. Unlike the adoptions of today, adoptions in Ancient Rome were almost always for political reasons. In the case of Julius Caesar, he did not have a legitimate male heir, so he chose Octavian as his adopted son. As heir…

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Sulpicia Posted by on Apr 19, 2011

It’s pretty rare to get a glimpse of the female perspective in ancient Roman poetry. One of the most famous female poets from ancient Rome is a poetess by the name of Sulpicia. We only have six poems by her; of which one of them is shown below: inuisus natalis adest, qui rure molesto (Birthday…

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Latin Roots Posted by on Apr 15, 2011

There are certain Latin roots that cause Latin students to be confused because they look similar in spelling. For example there’s the root “ar-“ which can mean ”plow”/”till” or “be dry”. Here’s a little quiz for you: which of these Latin words means “to plow”? Which of these means “to be dry”? 1)     arāre 2)   …

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