Archive for December, 2017
Looking Back and Looking Forward Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Dec 31, 2017

Da ble det jammen nyttår igjen! (Then it really became New Year again!) Nyttårsaften (New Year’s Eve) is a time for looking back at året som gikk (the year that went) as well as looking forward to det nye året (the new year). Let’s look in both directions in this post. 🙂 To recall something…
Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Dec 21, 2017

Visste du at juletreet i London er norsk? (Did you know that the Christmas tree in London is Norwegian?) Each year a høy julegran (tall Christmas spruce) gets a new home in the middle of the English capital. When its electrical lights are lit, and the whole tre (tree) is shining beautifully i den mørke…