Norwegian Language Blog

Archive for 'Language'

How to say what you need Posted by on Jun 28, 2017

You’ve been travelling for a long time and all you need is a hot shower and a nice place to sleep. But – how to ask the natives? Sometimes, expressing what you need is … all you need. Jeg er sulten. (I’m hungry.) Er du sulten? (Are you hungry?) Vi er veldig sultne. (We’re very…

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Talking about prices Posted by on Apr 30, 2017

Er Norge dyrt? (Is Norway expensive?) Many people klager (complain) about prisene (the prices) in Norway. Nobody really complains about de høye lønningene (the high wages), though, so I guess there’s some kind of balance. 🙂 Still, if you come as a tourist, be prepared for surprises! Here are some expressions for talking about prices…

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Worst Case Norwegian Posted by on Nov 30, 2016

Vanligvis er Norge et veldig trygt land. (Normally, Norway is a very safe country.) Here are a few expressions to use when everything goes wrong… – Hjelp, jeg har gått meg vill! (Help me, I’ve lost my way!) – Vet du hvordan jeg kommer meg tilbake til veien? (Do you know how I get back…

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Making a call to Customer Support Posted by on Jul 29, 2016

Calling a Norwegian company for kundeservice [KOONNehserviss] (customer support)? Although the (wo)man at the other end of the line probably speaks good English, (s)he might just give you that extra amount of attention if you do speak Norwegian! 🙂 Here are a few phrases to keep you going. Trykk 1 for meny, trykk 2 for…

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Meet the Monster Posted by on Oct 31, 2015

Monsteret er løs! (The monster is ”loose”!) Right now, it is doing everything it can to prevent you from learning norsk! Men fortvil ikke… (But don’t despair…) There is a way to get through Halloween alive… First of all, you must kjenne din fiende (know your enemy)! Of course, the Norwegian night is full of demons……

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How Hard Is Norwegian? Posted by on Sep 30, 2015

How hard is Norwegian actually? I’d say it depends a lot on your native language. If you’re an English-speaker – lucky you. Both languages come from the same Germanic roots, and there are loads of similarities, grammar-wise and vocabulary-wise: Vi liker egg! (We like eggs!) Naboen har små vinduer. (The neighbour has small windows.) Some…

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Party Chitchat Posted by on Aug 19, 2015

You’re at a fest (party) with Norwegians. You’re a nybegynner [NEEbeyinner] (beginner, ’new beginner’). Your ability to stitch together phrases is so-so. Men du VIL snakke norsk! (But you WANT to speak Norwegian!) Below are a few made-up examples of party småsnakk (smalltalk). To some people it’s a very superficial way of talking, I know…

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