Talking about prices Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Apr 30, 2017 in Conversation
Er Norge dyrt? (Is Norway expensive?) Many people klager (complain) about prisene (the prices) in Norway. Nobody really complains about de høye lønningene (the high wages), though, so I guess there’s some kind of balance. 🙂 Still, if you come as a tourist, be prepared for surprises! Here are some expressions for talking about prices and payment.
dyr, billig (expensive, cheap)
pris (price)
penger (moneys – yes, it’s a plural word in Norwegian…)
tilbud (offer)
Hvor mye koster trollet? (How much does the troll cost?)
Det koster femti kroner. (It costs fifty Kroner.)
Det er litt dyrt, synes jeg. (It’s a little bit expensive, I think.)
Det er dessverre altfor dyrt. (Unfortunately, it’s far too expensive.)
Jeg bare lurte på… Har dere noe billigere? (I was just wondering… Have you got something cheaper?)
Ja, reinsdyret er til halv pris. (Yes, the reindeer is 50% off…)
Kjempebillig! (Super cheap!)
Har dere andre varer på tilbud? (Have you got other items on offer?)
Kan vi få regningen? (Could we get the bill, [please].)
Fem hundre kroner?? Kan vi ikke si tre hundre i stedet? (Five hundred Kroner?? Couldn’t we say three hundred instead?)
Beklager, vi pruter ikke med prisen. (Sorry, we don’t bargain [with the price].)
I Norge er det faste priser. (In Norway there are fixed prices.)
Men vi blir veldig glade for litt drikkepenger! (But some tip [“drinking-money”] would make us really happy!)
Hvor mye blir det? (How much is it?)
Det blir 235, takk. (It’s 235, please.)
Tar dere MasterCard? (Do you take MasterCard?)
Ja, det går veldig bra. (Yes, no problem!)
Nei, vi tar desverre bare imot kontanter. (No, unfortunately, we only take payment in cash.)
Det er en minibank i Storgata. (There is an ATM in Storgata.)
Tusen takk! (Thank you so much!)
Bare hyggelig! (Happy to help!)

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