How to ask for Directions in Norwegian Posted by kari on Aug 16, 2011 in Uncategorized
I am notorious for getting lost. It doesn’t matter if I’ve been somewhere a
hundred times before, I can still manage to get lost. The mode of transportation makes no
difference either. I’ll lose my way in a
car, on foot, on 2 wheels, you name it.
Landmarks or something else that catches my eye will aid my orientation
much more than road names and turns. I
can read a map, but if I attempt to find a place just on memory alone, I will
fail 9 times out of 10.
I have been in Chicago on a business trip since Friday and
we have gone to the same place every day-Navy Pier. It is not too far from our hotel, but far
enough that with briefcases we take a taxi or the trolley. I woke up early this morning to run to Navy
Pier and what do you know, I got lost.
Not totally lost, but zig-zagged around a lot and actually went 3 blocks
(and Chicago blocks aren’t small) past the hotel because I was on a street
parallel to the street the hotel is on.
Go figure.
In case you are wondering why I thought to write about this,
it reminded me of when I lived in Oslo and I would go out for a run and
intentionally get lost. That sounds a bit odd, I know, but it gave me the
opportunity to see so much more of the city than I probably would have
otherwise. It also forced me to find my
way around. As long as I know I am safe
and I don’t have any obligations in the near future that I have to attend, I
think it’s kind of fun getting lost in a place that you are not totally
familiar with.
I was able to find my way back to my hotel this morning and
get ready in time to meet my colleagues.
I usually don’t stop to ask someone for directions because I like to
think that I can figure it out myself.
Sometimes I can, but often I cannot.
So, then I have to ask for directions.
Here you will find a list of common questions a lost person is likely to
I hvilken retning skal jeg gå? In which direction should I walk?
Hvor er den gaten
der? Where is that street there
(pointing to a map)?
Hvor er jeg? Where am I?
Må jeg gå enda
videre å nå Karl Johans Gate? Do I
need to go much further to reach Karl
Johans Gate?
Hvor er sykehuset? Where is the hospital?
Er jeg I nærheten av
skolen? Am I in the vicinity of the
Hvor kan jeg finne
kinesisk mat? Where can I find
Chinese food?
Har jeg gått for langt? Have I gone too far?
Hvor mye lengre må
jeg kjøre før jeg er der? How much
longer must I drive before I am there?
Kan du fortelle meg
hvordan jeg kan gå fra der til der?
Can you tell me how I can walk from there to there?

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About the Author: kari
I attended St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN, where I majored in Norwegian and History. During college, I spent almost a year living in Oslo, Norway, where I attended the University of Oslo and completed an internship at the United States Embassy. I have worked for Concordia Language Villages as a pre-K Norwegian teacher and have taught an adult Norwegian language class. Right now, I keep up by writing this Norwegian blog for Transparent Language. Please read and share your thoughts! I will be continuing this blog from my future residence in the Norwegian arctic!
as amatter of fact iam fonding of norwegian language. and ihave keen intetrest to learn it, pls can you help me with some institutes that offering that language. thanking you i remain. khalid ahmed
Krystian Trm:
Is nice to reading this blog, but if it possible to post link pronouciation sentences witch you present and describe because is hard to say it if you not know pronouciation letter in norsk language
Best Regards
Bjørn A. Bojesen:
@Krystian Trm @Krystian – Hi there. I’ll see if I can improve the parts about pronunciation a bit. I know it is hard! 🙂 Thank you for reading…