Sick of the cold! That’s how I feel-Jeg er lei av kulden! January in Minnesota always brings sub-zero temperatures and this year was no exception. It has been below zero for en uke (one week) now. One morning I woke up and termometeret (the thermometer) read -27 (and that’s Fahrenheit). Når det er så kaldt, (when it is so cold), anbefales det (notice inversion) å bli innendørs (it is recommended to stay inside). Det er farlig å være ute (It is dangerous to be outside). Man kan lett få forfrysning (One can easily get frostbite). As much as I hate to stay inside for extended periods of time, it can be koselig (cozy) and you can get lots of things done, as well as (and most importantly), slappe av (relax)! So let’s learn how to talk about noen aktiviteter (some activities) that are fun to do on really kalde dager (cold days).
–å se på film-to watch a movie (or in my case, filmer (movies)
–å lese ei bok-to read a book
–å vaske huset-to clean the house-dette sjelden skjer (this rarely happens)
–å organisere ting-to organize things
–å bli kvitt av gamle ting-to get rid of old things
–å se på fotoalbumer-to look at photo albums
–å vaske tøy-to do the laundry
–å to seg en lur-to take a nap
–å skrive kort\brev-to write cards\letters
–å snakke på telefon-to talk on the phone
-å lage mat (kanskje suppe eller gryte)-to make food (maybe soup or casserole)
–å høre på musikk-to listen to music
–å sy (to sew)
–å spille brettspill-to play boardgames
–å surfe på nettet-to surf the internet
Well, there is a pretty long list for you if you are stuck in sub-zero temperatures and get bored easily indoors, like myself. I think Norwegians are doing a lot of these things right now because the headlines have indicated veldig kaldt vær (very cold weather) there as well right now!
Check this out from Aftenposten online:
RØROS ( Se hva som skjedde da vi kastet kokende vann ut av et glass på Norges kaldeste sted. Les saken
“See what happened when we threw boiling water out of a glass in Norway’s coldest spot”
RØROS ( Se hva som skjedde da vi kastet kokende vann ut av et glass på Norges kaldeste sted. Les saken