The sequence of words important is, yes!
Norwegian grammar has a tiny detail that always gives away foreigners: Inversion. That basically means that in some situations you have to change the word order, and if you forget to do that in those situations, well, then you sound like a foreigner… 🙂
There’s inversion in English too. To make a phrase like “you are happy” into a question, you simply make the subject and the verb switch places: Are you happy? (With other verbs than “to be” it gets more complicated, but let’s leave that for now.) As you know, Norwegians make questions in the same way: Du er glad > Er du glad?
Let’s make that last example negative: Du er ikke glad (You are not happy) > Er du ikke glad? (Are you not happy?) Once again, Norwegian and English are like two peas in a pod.
Okay, let’s turn our example into a dependent clause:
Du sier at du er glad. (You say that you are happy. – As you maybe remember from school, a dependent clause is part of a main clause. “that you are happy” cannot stand on its own.)
And the negative one:
Du sier at du ikke er glad. (You say that you are not happy.)
Finally we see the difference between the two languages. In Norwegian, the word “ikke” does a backwards summersault and places itself in front of the verb in dependent clauses: Du er ikke… > Du sier at du ikke er…
The same goes for other words of the same kind, that is, adverbs that somehow influence the meaning of the whole sentence, such as ofte (often), alder (never), alltid (always), bare (just):
Han reiser ofte til Oslo. (He often goes to Oslo.) > Jeg har hørt at han ofte reiser til Oslo. (I’ve heard that he often goes to Oslo.)
Hun møtte plutselig ei gammel venninne. (She suddenly met an old friend.) > Det er hun som plutselig møtte ei gammel venninne. (That’s the one who suddenly met an old friend.)
Du ringer aldri. (You never call.) > Jeg forstår ikke hvorfor du aldri ringer. (I don’t understand why you never call.)