Norwegian Language Blog

Mountains in Norway Posted by on Jul 13, 2010

Norway is one of the most moutainous countries in the whole world.  Only 10% of the land is arable and the rest is fjell and thus it takes forever to get anywhere because you undoubtedly have to go up and down and around this bend and that bend.  Despite extended travel time, fjellene are…

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Cost and Standard of Living in Norway Posted by on Jul 9, 2010

Many of you probably know that Norwegians get taxed pretty heavily (36% is average).  Anyone who has been to Norway and had purchasing power quickly realizes that the cost for products and services in one´s daily life seems exorbitant compared to what we pay here in the United States (or most other places in…

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Fishing in Norway Posted by on Jul 7, 2010

Jeg vil dra på fisketur! I want to go on a fishing trip!  And I will, soon.  Men hvor skal jeg fiske? But where will I fish? Hvilke slags fisk skal jeg fiske etter? What kinds of fish should I fish for? With Norway´s long kystlinje (coastline), fjorder, and many innsjøer (lakes) and elver (rivers)…

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Tromsø Posted by on Jul 2, 2010

Tromsø, a city lying over 200 north of polarsirkelen (the Arctic Circle) is the largest city and urban area in northern Norway. Even though it lies at a very high latitude, Tromsø is considerably warmer than other places at the same latitude.  This is due to the presence of the Gulf Stream.  The city of Tromsø…

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Norwegian Architecture Posted by on Jun 30, 2010

Arkitektur in Norway has evolved dramatically since the first dwellings were built.  There is one aspect of life in Norway that arkitektur has always contended with, and will continue to do so unless Icelandic volcanoes cause Norway to sink into the sea– the elements.  The Norwegian climate brings harsh winds, salt spray from the ocean…

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Summertime in Norway Posted by on Jun 25, 2010

Nå er det sommertid! It´s summertime now!  Hva betyr sommer for deg? What does summer mean for you?  I can think of many things sommer means for me. Om sommeren.…..(During the summer….) –Jeg soler meg når jeg har tid (I sunbathe when I have time) -Jeg sykler så mye som mulig (I bike as much…

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Father´s Day Posted by on Jun 22, 2010

I går (yesterday) was farsdagen (Father´s Day) here in the U.S.  In Norway farsdagen is celebrated on the second søndag in november.  As in the U.S. and many other countries in the world, farsdagen is day for å ære fedre (to honor fathers).  Farsdagen was first observed in the early 20th century in the U.S. as…

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