Norwegian Language Blog

Norwegian counties Posted by on May 27, 2010

Similar to the 50 states of the United States, Norway as et land (a country) is divided into 19 fylker (counties), or  politiske administrative regioner (take a guess-political administrative regions), which are further subdivided into a total of 431 kommuner (municipalities).  Prior to 1919 when these regioner were renamed fylker, they were called (singular) amt, ting, len, and syssel, all names…

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Norwegian Birthdays Posted by on May 25, 2010

Norske bursdager, bursdager i Norge.  Bursdagstradisjoner i Norge are not all that different than here in the U.S., or in many other western countries either.  Regardless, I thought it appropriate to dedicate a post to bursdager and say a few words about how they are celebrated in Norway and what kind of vokabulær is used. …

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How’s the weather in Norway today? Posted by on May 23, 2010

Hvordan er været i Norge i dag?  I, like most people, always want to know the weather forecast for the coming days so that I can plan for outdoor activities.  I’m also rather curious about hvordan været er in other cities.  Sometimes I’ll go to and type in cities where friends and family live…

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Norwegian beer Posted by on May 21, 2010

I really like øl (beer) and unfortunately when I lived in Norway, I lived on a very tight budget and therefore rarely splurged on øl of any higher kvalitet (quality) than the billigste (cheapest).  Nevertheless, I enjoyed my øl consumption during my time in Norway, especially since I could drink lovlig (legally) before my 21st bursdag!  I drank…

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Syttende mai 2010 Posted by on May 16, 2010

Also known as Nasjonaldagen (National Day) and Grunnlovsdagen (Constitution Day). Since I have already written several posts about syttende mai, I will direct you to those for more information.  They were posted on fjortende mai (May 14) and sekstende mai (May 16) of 2009.  For those of you who are either unfamiliar with this helligdag (holiday)…

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Norway’s Princess Mette-Marit Posted by on May 14, 2010

It’s hard to believe the beautiful woman som er gift med (who is married to) Kronprins Haakon is in her late thirties.  That’s the first thing I thought of when I just saw her birthdate.  Regardless, tomorrow will mark 10 år (years) since Kronprins Haakon confirmed his forhold (relationship) with Kronprinsesse Mette-Marit, born…

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Mother’s Day in Norway Posted by on May 11, 2010

Norwegians celebrate morsdag the second søndag i februar.  For those of you who aren’t aware, it was morsdag yesterday here in the U.S.  This year it happened to fall on the same day as Valentinsdag.  Although many countries in the world celebrate morsdag, it is arguably the most recognized in the U.S., the birthplace of…

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