Norwegian Language Blog

Norwegian chocolate and African child slavery Posted by on Mar 24, 2010

I’ve seen artikkler (articles) about barn (children) and vest-afrikanske kakaogårder (West-African cocoa farms) in norske aviser (Norwegian newspapers) lately.  I think I wrote a post a while back about norsk sjokolade (Norwegian chocolate) and how delicious it is.  When I was a student in Oslo, my friends and I went to Freia sjokoladefabrikken (the Freia Chocolate Factory)…

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St. Patrick’s Day Posted by on Mar 18, 2010

According to the Norwegian Irish Society, there are about 620 Irish citizens living in Norway, but the Society claims that number is low because it doesn’t take into account the children of Irish parents that have recently been born. I didn’t even know there was a Norwegian Irish Society.  For those of you who have heard…

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Phillip Morris Sues Norway Posted by on Mar 16, 2010

Røyker du?  Do you smoke?  Get a load of this. And just to forwarn you, if you are a smoker, I mean in no way to offend you.  I smoke occasionally myself.  Just informing you and commenting as objectively as I can on an issue. On January 1, the Norwegian government banned the display of…

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Norwegians Know Good Bread Posted by on Mar 14, 2010

                                                                                              brød med pålegg (bread w- toppings) Believe me. If you go into any matbutikk (grocery store), much less bakeri (bakery) in Norway, you will be able to find dozens of kinds of brød (bread). I personally go for the tykk grovbrød (thick whole wheat bread) med nøtter og kjerner (with nuts and seeds)…

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Oljefondet-Norway’s Government Pension Fund Posted by on Mar 10, 2010

Oljefondet is Europe’s largest pension fund and the world’s fourth largest.  It is a giant, we’re talking over 2.6 trillion dollars and that figure was taken as of year-end 2009, which, if you haven’t forgotten, was in the middle of a huge financial crisis that we are still recovering from!  So what exactly, you might…

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The New Holmenkollen Ski Jump Posted by on Mar 9, 2010

A while back, I wrote a post about Holmenkollen, Oslo’s famous ski jumping arena.  Well, it’s about to get more famous and attract lots of international attention next weekend during the World Cup trials.  Just to give you some background information again, the first competition at Holmenkollen was back in January of 1892.  So, that…

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Hilton comes to Oslo Posted by on Mar 6, 2010

The hotel giant Hilton is in the process of building a hotel in downtown Oslo tvers overfor (right across from) The Grand Hotel; it will be a Doubletree Hotel, just like the other 10 Hilton hotels in Europe.  With 500 hotels verden rundt (world wide/around the world), Oslo will be the first city in Skandinavia, much less Norway, to be…

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