Norwegian Language Blog

1952 Vinter-OL Posted by on Feb 15, 2010

1952 Winter Olympics.  As you all know, Vinter-OL are in full swing!  Jeg elsker å se på OL, både sommer og vinter (I love to watch the Olypics, both summer and winter).  I would really love if they occurred annually, but I suppose that would be mye arbeid (a lot of work) and veldig dyrt…

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Riksantikvar Jørn Holme har fredet 40 norske veier Posted by on Feb 10, 2010

Directorate of Cultural Heritage, Jørn Holme, has preserved 40 Norwegian roads.  This was a headline in the Aftenposten online newspaper yesterday.  I was initially intrigued by the title of the article because when I think of the word ‘fred,’ I think of ‘peace’ because in today’s world, it seems as though the latter is a word…

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Valentinsdag Posted by on Feb 7, 2010

Although Vanlentinsdag is not widely recognized in Norway as an important Hallmark holiday as it is here in the United States, there is certainly nothing wrong with planning a fun day with your lover or exchanging gaver, norsk eller ikke (Norwegian or not).  I have always thought that Valentinsdag was a pretty ridiculous helligdag (holiday)…

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Flink med båter Posted by on Feb 5, 2010

Clever with boats.  Before Columbus’ time, Norwegians bygde og seilte (built and sailed) the fastest, most maneuverable boats of the Viking and Early Middle Ages.  It is no surprise, really, when one considers the sparce arable land and great åpent hav (open sea) that the Norwegians would become sophisticated seafarers-they simply had to make do with the…

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norske skikker Posted by on Feb 3, 2010

Norwegian customs.  You may wonder if nordmenn have specific skikker with regards to å møte og hilse folk (meeting and greeting people), å gi gaver (to give gifts), og å spise (and to eat).  Når man treffer noen (When one meets someone), it is customary å stå (stand), håndhilse (shake hands) og presentere seg selv (present one’s…

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Dialog Posted by on Jan 31, 2010

I haven’t written a dialog in a while and they are always hjelpsom (helpful) when one is learning et annet språk (another language).  I’m going to use a simple dialog that I actually just had with my boyfriend after we both woke up. God morgen.  Hvordan har du det?  Good morning.  How are you? God morgen. …

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en drosje i Norge Posted by on Jan 26, 2010

a taxi in Norway.  I have taken en drosje several times in Norway and I can only say good things.  Every drosje I rode in was clean and comfortable, and driven by very friendly immigrants.  Not that every drosjesjåfør (taxi driver) in Norway is an immigrant, but certainly the majority are.  I enjoyed talking with…

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