Norwegian Language Blog

Dette tiåret Posted by on Dec 30, 2009

This decade.  Aftenposten online has featured 10 significant events that occurred in Norway during the years of 2000-2009.  I consider it an interesting liste because it really speaks to the size of Norway.  Some of the significant events would just be a blip on the radar for et land (a country)  the size of the U.S.  I do…

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sykdommer Posted by on Dec 29, 2009

illnesses, sickness, or disease.  After just returning from a funeral for a 35 year old woman who died of kreft (cancer), I thought it would be appropriate to teach you all some terms about sykdommer, since we all have been syk before and chances are, we all know someone with a dødelig (lethal, deadly) sykdom…

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julekalenderen Posted by on Dec 21, 2009

The Christmas calendar/advent calendar.  Many cultures that celebrate Christmas have some sort of advent calendar.  Today julekalendere can be made from materials such as felt, fabric, paper, small boxes, or chipboard.  Advent means “coming” and julekalenderen is used to count down the days until jul.  Technically advent starts on the fjerde (4th) søndag før jul…

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Biathalon Posted by on Dec 20, 2009

One of the most obscure sports in the United States, biathlon is one of the most popular winter sports in Europe.  Many of you may never have even heard about it.  I wouldn’t have known about it had I not lived in Norway and seen it in aviser (newspapers) and på tv (on tv).  You…

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norske juletrær Posted by on Dec 18, 2009

Norwegian Christmas trees.  I read an interesting story on the Norway Post website about norske juletrær.  Every year Norway exports Christmas trees to other countries in Europe, such as Germany, Britain, Switzerland, and Austria.  Just three years ago, Norway was exporting 2,400 juletrær to Europe, but over the past several years the number has grown…

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julesanger Posted by on Dec 15, 2009

Christmas songs.  Every year at St. Olaf students from the Norwegian Department put on a norsk julegudstjeneste (Christmas church service), where students will read passages from the Bible på norsk, synge sanger på norsk, and the native Norwegian students tell the congregation about their own familie tradisjoner i Norge.  The following are some of the…

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julegavetips Posted by on Dec 13, 2009

Christmas gift tips.  Alle sammen kan bruke disse, ikke sant?  Everyone can use these, right?  I know I could use some tips this year for julegaver.  I often do my julegaveshopping dagen før jul (the day before Christmas), but this year, I want to have it done at least a week in advance, so I’m…

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