Norwegian Language Blog

norske navn Posted by on Oct 27, 2009

Norwegian names (notice there is no “er” ending on the indefinite plural “names” because navn is a one-syllable “et” noun).  It’s always for me to learn about names and their origins or what name something equates to in my own language.  Names are kind of funny things, right?  It seems people can always come up…

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Norge i et nøtteskall Posted by on Oct 24, 2009

Norway in a nutshell is a fantastic way to see Norway’s natural beauty.  If you ever get the chance to do it, I highly recommend it.  I took the tour with my mother and brother over 5 years ago.  The weather wasn’t the best, but I can still say I have never seen anything more…

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Sterke verber Posted by on Oct 20, 2009

Strong verbs.  Unfortunately, as I mentioned previously, you cannot tell by looking at a verb if it is sterk or svak.  Additionally, there isn’t exactly an easy way to learn the past tense of sterke verber; memorization is the only answer.  Unlike svake verber, sterke verber do not follow any kind of pattern.  Isn’t it interesting…

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Svake verber Posted by on Oct 19, 2009

Weak verbs.  Norwegian has both svake verber (endings are added to the root of the verb to form the past tense-preteritum) and sterke verber (this involves a vowel change in the root and there is often no ending at all).  There are many fewer sterke verber than there are svake verber, so I recommend familiarizing yourself with the…

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Negation Posted by on Oct 14, 2009

The time is ripe to talk about negation, although many of you have probably caught on to the methods of negation på norsk-that is-how to deny that something is true.  There are several different words to use, the most common of course is ikke, which means ‘not.’   One can also use knapt (hardly) and alldri…

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Følelser Posted by on Oct 13, 2009

Feelings.  You may have heard before that in an initial encounter, at least, Norwegians are cold, unfriendly, and sometimes seemingly emotionless people.  If you are from the midwest, you probably hear this about your neighbors (and perhaps yourselves) who descend from northern Europeans.  This is a stereotype to which I do not fully subscribe, for I have…

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Hver dag. Posted by on Oct 7, 2009

Every day.  I’m getting into this theme of things we do daglig (daily).  Of course some of the things I do in my dagligliv (daily life), you do not do and some of the things you do in your dagligliv, I do not do.  However, many of the things we do in our dagligeliv (notice…

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