Norwegian Language Blog

EXIT-program Posted by on Sep 14, 2009

Following the global trend, menneskehandel (human trafficking) and sexkjøp (purchase of sex) are increasing in volume in Norway.  Several years ago, the Norwegian government created a plan of action called ‘Stop Human Trafficking’ aimed to combat all forms of human trafficking, domestically and internationally.  The measures included granting victims 6-month residence permits, allowing free legal counsel…

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arbeid Posted by on Sep 10, 2009

work.  I must say,for those of us who have it, arbeid is something we should be very grateful for today.�  There are so many people who are arbeidsløse (unemployed).  In Norway, the rate of arbeidsløse people is going ned (down) and is much lower than most countries, but it is still en bekymring (a concern).  In…

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Passive verber Posted by on Sep 7, 2009

Passive verbs.  I had a history professor in college that advised me to never use the passive voice in a paper.  He said that the content would always read better and sound stronger if I used the active voice.  For example, he preferred the sentence “During the Holocaust, perpetrators murdered over 6 million Jews” to…

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Regjering Posted by on Sep 2, 2009

Goverment.  I suppose it’s time that you learn about government in Norway.  I think I found the longest description ever of the norsk regjering:  parliamentaristisk representativ demokratisk inskrenket monarki (parliamentary representative democratic constitutional monarchy).  What does that mean, you might ask?  It means that executive power rests with the King (Kong Harald) and his council…

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Å kjøre i Norge Posted by on Sep 1, 2009

Å kjøre i Norge (to drive in Norway).  Driving rules and regulations in Norway are not significantly different than anywhere else, but there are a few to note.  First, a few words to learn about driving: å kjøre means to drive en bil means a car en lastebil means a truck en motorsykkel is a motorcycle en vei…

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På kino Posted by on Aug 27, 2009

Jeg vil gå på kino.  I want to go to the movies.  Usually summertime is the best season for movies, but it seems to me that the economy has hit Hollywood, as it has every other industry.  Perhaps some of you will disagree, but I have not been compelled to see very many movies på…

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Ferie Posted by on Aug 25, 2009

Norwegians are good at going på ferie (on vacation).  Like most Europeans, Norwegians enjoy friluftsliv, outdoor life, such as å gå på tur, å gå på ski, å ta fly til Syden, o.s.v. (and so on).  For eksempel, many Norwegians go up to hytter (cabins) in the mountains til påske (for Easter) and they spend a…

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