Norwegian Language Blog

The best gift to bring back from Norge Posted by on May 6, 2009

This post may be a long time coming.  Some of you might be wondering what kinds of gifts travelers typically bring back hom from Norge to show off their recent voyage and represent the country to their friends and family with little pieces of norsk culture.  Some trinkets that the average tourist bring back from Norway…

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Sykkelen Posted by on May 3, 2009

The bicycle.  Sykkelen is one of my favorite things ever.  Jeg elsker å sykle (I love to bike).  In southern MN where I live, the weather has not been the best this spring.  However, today is perfekt.  It is 67 degrees with mye sol (lots of sun!) and litt vind (little wind).  I ate some…

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Churches fly rainbow flags in Nordland Posted by on Apr 30, 2009

If you have limited knowledge about Norway’s tolerance of outsiders (perhaps if you only know about Norway in history and not modern Norway), you might be surprised by Norway’s tolerance of homosexuals.  Historically, Norwegians were fairly intolerant of outsiders.  I think I have explained in one or more earlier posts that outsiders ruled Norway for much…

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The new influensa virus-Det nye influsensa viruset Posted by on Apr 29, 2009

The NEW influensa virus.  Det nye influensa viruset.  Not the swine flu or the pig flu.  I feel that I must do my part and inform as many people as possible that public health officials have said over and over again that humans cannot get sick from eating pork products. Keep eating pork.  If you…

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Vikings-the beginning of international relations in Scandinavia Posted by on Apr 26, 2009

In response to a comment on a recent post about Norway’s involvment in the Sri Lankan conflict, I would like to address Norway’s relationship with the rest of the world through the lens of history.  As most of you already know, the Vikings were a seafaring people who traveled great distances to loot, trade and colonize. …

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Sri Lankan conflict hits Norwegian newspapers, not US Posted by on Apr 22, 2009

Upon perusing the Norwegian newspaper “Aftenposten” online, I came across a headline (with 4 or 5 subheadlines) and a large picture telling recent news of the conflict in Sri Lanka.  For those of you who are unaware, the Sri Lankan government has been in conflict with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (AKA the Tamil Tigers) since the early 1980s.  �Norway has a long-standing…

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Mandatory military service Posted by on Apr 18, 2009

Norway is a small and peaceful country and therefore you don’t hear about the Norwegian military very often.  I assure you that Norway’s military history is quite interesting.  As I may have mentioned before in previous blogs, I love history and am particularly interested in wars.  I would like to share some basic information with you…

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