At the library. At some point in your life, you probably spent a significant amount of time på biblioteket. Maybe på grunnskole (grade school), videregåendeskole (high school), universitetet (college), på jobb (at work), eller i fritida (or in freetime). I always thought it was fun å dra til biblioteket (to go to the library) when I was younger. There were always veldig snille damer (very nice ladies) that worked there. Doesn’t it seem like 99% of bibliotekarer (librarians) are women? I’ve always wondered why that is, especially since women seem to be more chatty and louder på arbeidsplass (in the workplace) than men, and of course, it is important to be stille (quiet) på biblioteket. Besides the snille damer, I liked sitting in the barnerom (kid’s room) på bibiloteket. There were lots of stuffed dyr (animals) and lyse farger (bright colors) overalt (everywhere\all over). Sometimes en bibliotekar would lese historier til barna (read stories to the kids).
Besides barnebøker (children’s books), there is mye annet som finnes på biblioteket (much more that is found at the library). Two major categories of reading material are skjønnlitteratur and faglitteratur\fagbok (non-fiction). I have preferred faglitteratur since I was quite young. Hva med deg (How about you)?
På biblioteket there are also aviser (newspapers), magasiner (magazines), filmer (movies), hørbar bøker\ bøker på kassettbånd (audible books\books on tape), musikk (music), datamaskiner (computers), o.s.v. Even if biblioteket is not your favorite place to be, it’s pretty difficult to get bored with all of the information available to you. I think when I’m older, I’ll probably spend a lot of time på biblioteket and I hope I have my own mini-bibliotek hjemme (at home).
Har dere en favoritt bok (Do you have a favorite book) or forfatter (author)? Hva er din favoritt slags bok (What is your favorite kind of book)? Mysterium (mystery)? Krim (crime)? Kjærlighetsroman (romance novel)? Sci-fi? Biografi? Komedie (comedy)? Poesi\dikt (poetry)? Tragedie (tragedy)? Krig (war)?
Sarah Kelley:
Nå jeg prøve å lese “Monsterskolen”, en morsom barnebok, men en dag jeg håp jeg skal lese “Sophies Verden”. Jeg skal lese engelsk “Sophie’s World” veldig snart, det kommer fra på tirsdag.
(unnskyld hvis norsk grammatikken min er ikke så bra.)
Sophies Verden:
Sophie’s World (in English):
Lykke til med å lese Sohphias Verden. Jeg har hørt at den er veldig god.