Vårfeber er her! Spring fever is here! At least for me. This weekend has been gorgeous. Det regnet hele dagen på fredag. It rained the whole day on Friday, so it’s been really nice to see sola denne helgen (the sun this weekend)! Nå blåser det mye (now it’s blowing a lot/it’s very windy), men temperaturen er perfekt (but the temperature is perfect). I går gikk vi på tur i skogen med hunden (Yesterday we walked in the woods with the dog). Did you notice the inversion in that sentence? Normally we would say ‘Vi går på tur… but because we have an adverbial phrase (i går), we rearrange the sentence structure so that the adverbial phrase comes first and the verb comes before the subject. Anyways….
What kinds of things are fun to do when vår comes?
As I said before, ta hunden ut i skogen og gå på tur (take the dog out in the forest and go for a walk),
jobbe i hagen (work in the yard) doing things like…
samle ved for å brenne (gather wood to burn),
klippe gresset (cut the grass/mow),
plante blomster (plant flowers),
rydde huset og hagen (rid the house and the yard) of things we don’t use anymore,
sitte i sola og lese? (sit in the sun and read?),
og grille (and grill)!
Vår betyr at sommeren kommer (spring means that summer is coming) and vinteren er borte (winter is gone) til neste år (til next year). For those of us that live in the northern latitudes, it also means that mange ting blir levende igjen (many things become living again) and dyrene slutter å gjemme seg selv (animals stop hiding themselves).
I absolutely love våren (the spring) because I become myself again after a long vinter and everyone comes outside. The first few nice days are always a bit bizarre because I think to myself, where did all of these people come from? The truth is they have all just been cozied up inside!
The best part about vår in my opinion is the frisk luft (fresh air). Vår has it’s own scent.
Liker dere våren? (Do you (pl.) like spring?)