Tag Archives: boredom
Norwegian Cabin Fever Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Apr 30, 2020

Hvordan går det? (How are you doing?) A lot of people in Norway are currently suffering from brakkesyke (cabin fever, literally ’hut sickness’). Of course, this is caused by the worldwide pandemic, which makes people stay hjemme [yemmeh] (at home). Let’s get our heads out of that cabin! 🙂 No matter if you’re a latsabb…
Feeling Bored in Norwegian Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jul 21, 2018

Kjedelig! (Boring!) Late summer is a time when some people start to get bored – kids are tired of their parents dragging them through verden (the world) on a busy sommerferie (summer holiday) and just want to go hjem [yem] (home), while the adults maybe have started longing for their quiet kontor [konTOHR] (office)! 🙂…