Norwegian Language Blog

Tag Archives: Bryggen

It’s a Numbers Game Posted by on Aug 28, 2021

How often do you need to do number tricks in a foreign language? Det står nok ikke øverst på lista (it probably isn’t on top of the list), but still, if you’re a little bit like me, you’ll sometimes find yourself in situations where simply counting is not enough… In Norwegian, saying basic calculations out…

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Girls Smiling in Early Spring Posted by on Mar 31, 2014

Endelig! (Finally!) Following a skikkelig dårlig vintervær (really bad winter weather) – where even the inland parts of Østlandet (Eastern Norway) had less snø (snow) than usual – many Norwegians have been able to enjoy a bit of vår (spring). According to NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting), this Saturday was one of the hottest mars (March) days…

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