Tag Archives: chocolate
Norwegian Candy Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Nov 21, 2017

Er du en søtmons? (Do you have a sweet tooth?) In Norway, the nearest smågodt (sweets, candy) is never far away. Even small bygder (towns) usually have some kind of kiosk (pronounced ”shosk”) or butikk (shop) where you can buy søtsaker (sweets) to få opp blodsukkeret (”get up the blood sugar”) or simply create some kos…
Souvenir Hunting in Norway Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jul 18, 2016
Hei! Hvordan går det? Hopefully, your answer is bra (well)! To many people, sommeren ([the] Summer) is a time for reiser (travels). Maybe you even found your way to Norge, to enjoy the land of fjorder og fjell? Here are some suvenirer you may consider bringing home: • norsk melkesjokolade (Norwegian chocolate). While some…
Eat Chocolate, Learn Norwegian Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Apr 11, 2013
The next time you’re in a Norwegian kiosk shopping snop (sweets, candies), look out for the melkesjokolade (milk chocolate) called ”Et lite eventyr” (a little fairy-tale). There is only a single piece of chocolate inside the little yellow plastic wrapping. But then you don’t buy this product for the sjokolade – on the back side…