Norwegian Language Blog

Tag Archives: cleaning

Christmas Preparations in Norway Posted by on Dec 18, 2015

Førjulstida er travel! (The time before Christmas is busy!) In Norway, most people have lots of forberedelser (preparations) to make before jul (Christmas). All of a sudden, it’s 24. desember and julaften (Christmas Eve) is there! Har du kjøpt gavene dine alt? (Have you bought your presents already?) Traditionally, a Norwegian housewife had to bake…

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Summer Cleaning Posted by on Jun 30, 2015

Da er det på tide med litt rengjøring! (Then it’s time for some cleaning!) If you’re anything like me, you’d rather vente til neste dag (wait until the next day). The støv (dust) and skitt [shit] (dirt), unfortunately, don’t go on holiday… 🙁 Here are some words and phrases to help you get that kost…

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