Tag Archives: moose
Animal Talk Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jun 24, 2018

Hunden er menneskets beste venn (the dog is man’s best friend), the saying goes. Some would disagree and say katten (the cat), or maybe even gullfisken (the gold fish) or kanarifuglen (the canary), if you’re that kind of person! In any case, dyr (animals) are fascinating – and you need words to discuss them with…
Souvenir Hunting in Norway Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jul 18, 2016
Hei! Hvordan går det? Hopefully, your answer is bra (well)! 🙂 To many people, sommeren ([the] Summer) is a time for reiser (travels). Maybe you even found your way to Norge, to enjoy the land of fjorder og fjell? Here are some suvenirer you may consider bringing home: • norsk melkesjokolade (Norwegian chocolate). While some…