Tag Archives: religion
Christmas in Norway Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Dec 24, 2021

Hurra, det er jul! (Hooray, it’s Christmas!) For billions of people, that means glede (joy) and spending time with familien (the family). But what is special about the høytid (feast, literally ’high time’) in Norway? Jul [yool] is a very old tradition in Norge – in fact, even the Vikings had a party this time…
Sing along, it’s jul! Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Dec 24, 2015
When learning languages, it’s a really good idea to SING! If the melody is really nice, the words will just etch themselves into your brain! 🙂 Forget about rules of grammar, forget about rules of pronunciation, just take it easy and sing along! Here are two norske julesanger (Norwegian Christmas songs or carols) for you…