Tag Archives: Skam
Most Norwegian Words Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on May 31, 2018

Which words are the ”most Norwegian”? Of course, such a spørsmål (question) is very hard to answer… Besides, there are so many words to pick! Here are my (current) candidates for the prize – do you (dis)agree? fjord [fyor] (fjord). The beautiful fjords only exist in a few countries (Norway, NZ, Chile and a few…
Norwegians are not ashamed of Skam Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Mar 31, 2017

Eva har startet på videregående. (Eva has started at High School.) Hun har ei mor som aldri er hjemme, og kjæresten Jonas, som hun er veldig glad i. (She’s got a mother who’s never at home, and her boyfriend Jonas, whom she loves very much.) Men hun har ikke så mange venninner. (But she hasn’t…