Tag Archives: sun
Christmas in Norway Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Dec 24, 2021

Hurra, det er jul! (Hooray, it’s Christmas!) For billions of people, that means glede (joy) and spending time with familien (the family). But what is special about the høytid (feast, literally ’high time’) in Norway? Jul [yool] is a very old tradition in Norge – in fact, even the Vikings had a party this time…
How to Survive Heatwaves in Norway Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jul 31, 2019

Huff så varmt! (Ugh, how hot!) Like many other places in Europe, Norge has also been recently hit by a hetebølge (heat wave). Here’s a tiny survival guide for the next time termometeret viser over 30 grader (the thermometer shows more than 30 °C). Husk å drikke mye vann! (Remember to drink lots of water!)…