Tag Archives: winter
Surviving the Sunless Season Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Nov 30, 2021

North of the Arctic Circle, there’s no sunrise in the winter sky. But do Northern Norwegians really live in total darkness? I asked Bjørn Farbu – a doctor until recently residing in Harstad – about life in mørketida (the dark season). What brought you to Nord-Norge (Northern Norway)? My girlfriend is from Tromsø. We met…
Fun in the Snow Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jan 21, 2021

Mange ønsket seg en hvit jul i 2020. (Many people were wishing for a white Christmas in 2020.) Only this month, however, snøen (the snow) decided to grace large parts of Norge. Let’s get outside and have some fun! Det er ikke så vanskelig å gå på skøyter [shoyter]. (Ice skating is not that hard.)…
Norwegians Love Kos Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Oct 23, 2015
Nå skal vi kose oss! (Now let’s cozy up/enjoy ourselves!) In Iceland, I’ve been told, they have this vits (joke) about the stereotypical Norwegian being a hyperactive sportsman: Always trekking, skiing or running around in the most expensive and chic sportswear! Well, it’s certainly true that mange nordmenn elsker friluftsliv (many Norwegians love outdoor life)…
Snow Words Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jan 30, 2015
Det snør, det snør! (It’s snowing, it’s snowing!) For many Norwegians, januar has been a lot colder than desember. Many places around the country are still dekket av snø (covered by snow). Here’s a handful of snow words. Catch! • nysnø (new snow) is the fresh snow that has just fallen… If there’s already a…
Winter weather in Norway Posted by kari on Nov 18, 2010
Now that we have had our first snø (snow) here in MN after a long, warm, and beautiful høst, I´m definitely getting in the spirit of vinter and jul. Although I was very disappointed to have to leave Norway recently, I was happy to narrowly escape the normally scheduled and very prompt arrival of vinter…