Words for the Wardrobe Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jun 30, 2020 in Uncategorized
Klær skaper folk (clothes create people), as the saying goes. Here are some handy words to get you covered fra topp til tå (from top to toe).
No matter how scorching summer temperatures may get in Norwegian valleys, few places will allow you to walk around naken (naked). By the way, klær (clothes) is a fun word, as it exists only in the plural. For a single item of clothing, use the word klesplagg.
To go for a swim in the heat, you’ll need some badetøy (swimwear), such as a badedrakt (swimsuit), bikini or badebukse (swimming trunks).
When you’re back on dry land, you’ll need your undertøy (underwear). The first thing you step into is often called an underbukse (underpants) for the male edition and truse (briefs) for the female. A bra is a behå, also spelt bh (short for brystholder, literally ”breast-holder”). A t-shirt is a t-skjorte in Norwegian. For colder days, you might also need strømper (socks) and a strømpebukse (tights).
For the next layer of clothing, some alternatives are a bukse (pair of trousers – eventually with a belte), skjørt [shirt] (skirt) and shorts. If it’s not too hot, add a skjorte [shorteh] (shirt), a bluse (blouse) or even a genser (jersey). For many women, in particular, a kjole (dress) is of course also an option. Fottøy (footwear) include sko (shoes), støvler (boots) and sandaler (sandals).
Yttertøy (outerwear) may not be necessary at this time of the year. Even if you don’t need a regular jakke (jacket), however, you might need a regnjakke (raincoat). Let’s save the lue (cap), hansker (gloves), votter (mittens), skjerf (scarf), frakk (coat), hatt (hat) and slips (tie) for colder times.
God sommer!

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