Polish Language Blog

Archive for April, 2012

US Medal of Freedom for Jan Karski Posted by on Apr 20, 2012

Jan Karski, the Polish WW II resistance fighter, is to be posthumously awarded with the US Medal of Freedom, America’s top civilian honour, by President Barack Obama. Award to Jan Karski – the man who tried to warn the West about the Holocuast being perpetrated by the German Nazis in occupied Poland – was announced…

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Touring Poland on two wheels Posted by on Apr 17, 2012

Poland really is a country of diverse landscapes, with mile after mile of sandy beaches in the North, rugged mountains in the South, and large patches of unspoilt forest and lakeland. What better way to explore this diverse and fascinating country than on a bike? After all, as most bikers would agree, you get much…

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Running Posted by on Apr 15, 2012

Do you enjoy a gentle jog around the local park every now and again? Or are you a seasoned marathon runner, constantly striving for a personal best? There are few sports that are as simple or as straightforward as running (bieganie, wyścig) – you can do it wherever you are, whenever you want, and there are…

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Different doesn’t mean bad Posted by on Apr 14, 2012

What do you think about people from other cultures? Did you ever think someone was scary because they looked different, or ate strange foods? Well, they might think the same about you! One of the things we all need to do is celebrate diversity (doceniać różnorodność). We shouldn’t think badly of people from other cultures…

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Visiting the Baltic City – Gdańsk Posted by on Apr 13, 2012

For anyone who has never been to Poland, or who does not know too much about the country, Gdańsk is one city that may ring a few bells. Even if the name itself does not, events which took place there certainly do. It is Gdańsk, after all, that can claim to be the home of…

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International schools in Polish cities Posted by on Apr 12, 2012

The number of international schools (międzynarodowe szkoły) in Poland has been growing since the early 1990s in the wake of the influx of foreigners (napływ cudzoziemców) enticed to the country by a burgeoning new economy. Today, Poland has a large number of prestigious international schools ranging from preschools (przedszkola) to primary (szkoły podstawowe) and secondary schools…

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Second Anniversary of Smoleńsk plane crash Posted by on Apr 11, 2012

It’s hard to believe, but Poland is marking 2nd anniversary (druga rocznica) of the 2010 plane crash (katastrofa samolotu) that killed its president Lech Kaczyński and 95 others. Ceremonies took place at Powązki military cemetery in Warsaw, and at the crash site near a military airfield in Smoleńsk, western Russia. However the late president’s twin, Jarosław…

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