Polish Language Blog

Archive for April, 2012

Kwiecień, plecień, bo przeplata, trochę zimy, trochę lata… Posted by on Apr 10, 2012

Today’s blog is about April. April (kwiecień)  was the second month in an early Roman calendar, but became the fourth when the ancient Romans started using January as the first month. The Romans called the month Aprilis. It may come from a word meanting ‘to open’, or it may come from Aphrodite, the Greek name…

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How are you feeling after holidays? Posted by on Apr 9, 2012

Easter is over. It was fun, but now we can all relax…All that wonderful food! I love it, I always eat way too much! So we talked about Palm Sunday traditions as well as Easter eggs in Poland. Święconka is one of the most enduring and beloved Polish traditions. On Holly Saturday people take to churches decorated baskets containing…

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Training just in case of emergency! Posted by on Apr 6, 2012

The National Stadium in Warsaw witnessed bizarre scenes last Wednesday as emergency services were drafted in to help deal with 120 “injured” football fans in preparation for the upcoming Euro 2012 championships. The staged event, in which the most “seriously injured victims” were treated and rushed to hospital in ambulances, was to help emergency workers…

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Easter eggs in Poland Posted by on Apr 4, 2012

Polish Easter baskets are always full of beautiful Easter eggs. Here are few different types of them: Kraszanki – uniformly colored eggs The simplest technique of painting eggs (eggs in Polish are called jaja or jajka) which I remember from my childhood was painting the eggs in natural dyes. For instance eggs cooked in onion…

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Palm Sunday traditions Posted by on Apr 2, 2012

Yesterday was Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday (niedziela palmowa) is called also The Sunday of the Lord’s Passion (niedziela męki Pańskiej), Willow Sunday (niedziela wierzbowa), Branch Sunday (niedziela różdżkowa) or April Sunday (niedziela kwietna) since it takes place usually in April. There was a custom to bring to a church a figure of Jesus Christ riding on…

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April Fools Day in Poland – Prima Aprilis Posted by on Apr 1, 2012

If you pride yourself on your jokes (żarty) and pranks (wybryki, figle) but you feel like your sense of humor (poczucie humoru) is not appreciated enough (and maybe even earned you a few good yellings), April Fools’ Day is a holiday that was just made for you. Being on the giving rather than on the…

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