Polish Language Blog

Archive for December, 2013

Kochany Panie Mikołaju! Posted by on Dec 6, 2013

You probably know that Christmas and St.Nicolas Days are not celebrated on the same time in Poland but three weeks apart. St. Claus (called rather St. Nicolas) Day (Dzień św Mikołaja) is celebrated on the December 6th, name-day of St. Nicolas. This is a day when St. Nicolas, in Polish: Św. Mikołaj, is visiting all kids –…

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Some important things to remember about Polish Christmas… Posted by on Dec 3, 2013

How to Keep Polish Christmas Traditions in your home? Carrying on traditions from the “old country” is alive and well. Although we may not be able to create a given tradition as they did in the “old country”, just as their names were Americanized, so are the traditions. For the most part, in many countries…

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Poland has great, knowledge thirsty students! Posted by on Dec 1, 2013

Poland’s suffocating Communist past gave students a thirst for knowledge. Parents of students who grew up under an old regime push their children to learn and help Poland shine in league tables. Poland’s schools are largely the products of the Communist-era and thus make a poor impression on the outside. But the ageing and slightly shabby appearance…

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