Polish Language Blog

Archive for 'Nature'

Polish sayings about January Posted by on Jan 30, 2013

Today I have a poem about te month of January, as well as some popular Polish sayings about this month for you:)   “Styczeń” – Ficowski Jerzy (“January” by Ficowski Jerzy) Nowy Rok zawitał wreszcie  stary sobie poszedł.  Co tam rośnie w mrozach stycznia?  Dzień rośnie po trosze!  Wróbelkowi serce rośnie,  że wiosny doczeka,  chociaż…

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Mushroom hunting Posted by on Jan 11, 2013

In Poland, where the very strong tradition of the mushroom hunting exists, edible mushrooms of many kinds growing wild in forests are collected. Mushrooms called boletus (in polish ‘borowik’ or ‘prawdziwek’) are recognised as one from the noblest and usually used for filling Christmas Eve uszka or traditional polish pierogi. Another example of delicious fungus…

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Sayings about December Posted by on Dec 31, 2012

Here are some popular Polish sayings about December: Gdy zamarznie pierwszego grudnia wyschnie niejedna studnia ,gdy pierwszego pogoda służy to wczesną wiosnę i pogodną wróży When there will be frost on December 1st many wells will dry out, if there is a beautiful weather on the 1st that means nice Spring will come early. Gdy…

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Romantic Polish city Kraków Posted by on Dec 15, 2012

It is no scecret that Kraków is a romantic gothic city. It is a city that dates back actually about 50,000 years if you include pre-Slavic history. However, the golden age was in the Middle Ages. The time of castles and knights and damsels. Therefore, if you have any romantic ideas, it is an excellent place…

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Polish sayings about November Posted by on Nov 30, 2012

There are so many sayings about each month in Poland. I try to give you few of them each month, so here are few about November: Na Wszystkich Świętych od zrębu utnij gałąź dębu: jeśli soku nie ma, będzie tęga zima. On All Saints’ Day cut oak branch: if the juice is gone, winter is…

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Powiedzenia o październiku – sayings about October Posted by on Oct 20, 2012

Here are some common Polish sayings about October: Gdy październik mroźny, to nie będzie styczeń groźny When the October cold,January will not be freezing/scary ❃ Gdy w październiku ciepło chadza, w lutym mrozy naprowadza When the heat goes on in October, it brings freezing cold in February ❃ Październik stoi u dwora, wykop ziemniaki z…

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WEATHER IN POLAND Posted by on Oct 2, 2012

Poland lies in a moderate zone with mixed continental and oceanic climate influences. The warmest areas of the country are the Silesian Lowland and Sandomierska Upland, while the “coldest pole” of Poland is the town of Suwałki on the north-eastern edge of the country. The average annually temperature is about 6-8 degrees Celsius while the…

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