Polish Language Blog

Archive for 'Nature'

Natural environment and pollution – how to describe it in Polish Posted by on Jul 31, 2018

Pollution can take many forms: the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil we use to grow our food, the lit-up skies and even the increasing noise we hear every day can all contribute to health problems and a lower quality of life with major disruptions and effects on wildlife and ecosystems. Of…

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International surfing day! Where to surf in Poland? Posted by on Jun 16, 2018

Did someone say surfing? Yes! The International Surfing Day was established in 2005 by the Surfrider Foundation and Surfing Magazine. Every year, surfers and surfing fans run contests, eco-friendly events, barbecues, film screenings, beach cleanups and multiple ocean-based activities. These celebrations are held all over the world. Until 2013, the International Surfing Day was celebrated in two…

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Animals in Poland! Posted by on May 26, 2018

Unspoilt nature, immense forests and wetlands are the hidden treasure of Poland. Poland can be proud of its ecological corridor system – green belts that guarantee connectivity between animal habitats. This country hides natural landscapes of immense wealth due to the number of wild animals that inhabit its mountains and forests. Among these animals we can find brown…

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Describing weather in Polish Posted by on May 19, 2018

Weather is an everyday topic in a lot of conversations. We all talk about it, we check it all the time. We want to know how is the weather is going to be before going away on the vacation, when we are away – everyone wants to know how the weather is. Here are few…

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Natural environment in Poland Posted by on May 12, 2018

Being eco-friendly or environmentally friendly is becoming more and more important. You can see the term used in everything from job ads to dating profiles to even listings houses and vacation homes. How to Become Eco-friendly? You can start to become eco-friendly by becoming aware of the how your choices effect the environment. These phrases…

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Delicious Polish apples! Posted by on Apr 10, 2018

If you are a fan of healthy eating, you will find a lot of healthy food in Poland, especially amazing fruit! And what’s better than apples (jabłka)? In the end an apple a day keeps the doctor away! You need to know that Poland is an important temperate climate fruit producer on a global scale. Poland…

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Drowning of the Marzanna in Poland Posted by on Mar 21, 2018

How do Poles welcome Spring? They burn the winter! Literally! It usually happens on March 21st. There is a good reason for drowning Marzanna (“Topienie Marzanny”)! Marzanna is a Slavic goddess associated with seasonal rites based on the idea of death and rebirth of nature. She is often described as a female demon associated with death…

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