Polish Language Blog

Archive for 'Nature'

Polish climate – are the winters very cold? Posted by on Nov 14, 2014

Poland’s climate can actually be divided into six distinct seasons. There is an early spring (przedwiośnie) of one or two months with alternating wintry and springlike conditions; a predominantly sunny spring (wiosna); a warm summer (lato) with plenty of rain and sunshine; a sunny, warm autumn (jesień); a foggy, humid period (przedzimie) signifying the approach…

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Winter is here, let’s have some fun! Posted by on Nov 1, 2014

Chilly, snowy days are calling your kids outdoors. Find fun winter activities for the slopes, trails, ice rink, and backyard for children of all ages. Remember to brush up on winter sports safety. Have the hot cocoa ready when everyone comes back inside! Here are few different ways to have fun outside in the winter…

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Miły, już jesień… Posted by on Sep 29, 2014

Fall is such a beautiful season! Cooler  mornings, beautiful coors! I enjoy a cup of coffee on the deck and can’t wait for a great turkey dinners, while nights are getting colder:) Today a very nice poem by Eleni: “Miły, już jesień” Czerwienią liści nas otula, babiego lata złotą smugą  I noc się robi coraz…

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International day of action on climate change Posted by on Sep 21, 2014

An international day of action on climate change (Międzynarodowy Dzień działań w sprawie zmian klimatu) brought tens of thousands onto the streets of New York City today, with organizers predicting the biggest protest on the issue in five years. About 100,000 people, including United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, former U.S. vice president Al Gore, actor…

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I love mushrooms! Posted by on Sep 18, 2014

I really love mushroom! I use them in the kitchen all the time! Soups, sauces, side dishes: you name it! I guess that’s because I’m Polish:) If you often feel the pull of nature to the forests, particularly for a madcap dawn adventure, there is one time of year to go whilst still pretending to…

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Hiking in Poland Posted by on Sep 10, 2014

Poland hiking is fast becoming a major part of Poland tourism. The main reason this is occurring is due to the wonderful Poland trails that can be found from trails in the Tatry Mountains to enjoying a Poland trek in a nature preserve. Poland trekking can be as strenuous or as relaxing as you desire. There is…

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Shark week 2014 – my daughter’s favorite show this week! Posted by on Aug 17, 2014

What do you think I have been watching for the past week on the Discovery Channel? Shark week (tydzień rekinów) of course! Very informative, amazing, scary…and my daughters (although at times it probably wasn’t appropriate for 2 and 5 years old…) loved it too! They learned a lot and I have to say that I…

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