Polish Language Blog

Nouns – Cases and Case Use Part II Posted by on Feb 23, 2011 in Grammar

Yesterday we talked about Nominative and Genitive. Today let’s move to Dative, Accusative and Instrumental case.

Dative Case (czemu? komu?)

The Dative case is used to express:

1. Senses of to and for a person, especially the indirect object (naming the recipient or beneficiary, or sometimes the person negatively affected by an action).

Kup mi coś. Buy me-Dat. something.

Zalałem twój laptop wodą. I’ve spilled water on your laptop-Dat.

2. After verbs of communication:

Powiedz mi coś. Tell me-Dat. something.

3. In construction with certain verbs like podobać się (be attractive to), pomagać (help), powodzić się (be successful for), smakować (taste), dziwić się (be surprised at), and others:

Twój kolega podoba mi się. Your colleague is attractive to me-Dat.

Dobrze jej się powodzi. She-Dat. is doing very well.

Muszę jej pomagać. I have to help her-Dat.

Dziwię się jemu. I’m surprised at him-Dat.

Zdaje nam się It seems that way to us.

4. As the subject of impersonal adverbs:

Jest mu zimno. He-Dat. is cold. (It’s cold to him-Dat.)

Nam jest łatwo. It’s easy for us-Dat.

5. After the prepositions dzięki (due to), ku (toward), przeciwko (against):

Wszystko, co wiem, to dzięki Ewie. Everything I know is thanks to Ewa-Dat.

Nie mam nic przeciwko temu. I don’t have anything against that-Dat.

Accusative Case (co? kogo?)

The Accusative case is used to express:

1. The complement after transitive verbs

Mam siostrę i brata. I have a sister (Acc.) and brother (Acc.)

Chcę kupić chleb, masło i mleko. I want to buy bread (Acc.), butter (Acc.), and milk (Acc.)

Chciałbym poznać twoje siostry. I’d like to meet your sisters (Acc.pl.)

This use of the Accusative is called the direct-object use. In general, one chooses the Accusative after a verb unless there is a specific reason to use another case.

2. Various verb+preposition phrasal combinations take the Accusative case, for example czekać na (wait for), patrzyć na (look at), pytać o (ask about), martwić się o (worry about), dbać o (look after, care about):

Czekam na mojego syna. I’m waiting for my son-Acc.

Dbam o siebie. I take care of myself -Acc.

O co pytasz? What-Acc. are you asking about?

3. After the prepositions przez (across, through, by); za in the meaning (in/after a period of time) or in exchange for; after na in the meaning (for or to); and after w in the meaning ‘into’, and in various other expressions.

Pan Jan został zaangażowany przez pana Kwiatkowskiego. Jan was hired by Mr. Kwiatkowski-Acc.

Będę gotowy za godzinę. I’ll be ready in an hour-Acc.

Dziękuję za prezent. Thanks for the gift-Acc.

Jedziemy do Lublina na obiad. We’re going to Lublin for a dinner-Acc.

Wchodzimy w las. We’re entering the forest-Acc. (On a day of the week is expressed with w + A: w poniedziałek [on Monday].)

4. After the usually Instrumental prepositions nad, pod, przed, za in the sense of


Jedziemy nad jezioro. We are going to the lake.

Autobus podjechał pod dom. The bus drove up to the house.

5. In expressing duration of time.

Pracowałem tam dwa dni. I worked there two days-Acc.

Instrumental Case (czym? kim?)

The Instrumental case is used to express:

1. Predicate nouns (nouns after linking verbs like być [be], zostać [become]):

Jestem lekarzem. I am a doctor-Inst.

Ona jest moim szefem. She is my boss-Inst.

On został prezydentem. He became president-Inst.

2. Expressing by means of:

Jedziemy tam naszym samochodem. We’re going there in our car-Inst.

Piszę nowym długopisem. I’m writing with a new pen-Inst.

Here also goes the “Instrumental of Path”:

Niech pani idzie tą ulicą do końca. Go along this street-Inst. to the end.

3. Accompaniment of an action by a body movement:

Ona machnęła ręką. She waved (with) her hand-Inst.

On zareagował uśmiechem. He reacted with a smile-Inst.

4. Abstract causes:

Byłem zaskoczony jego szczerością. I was surprised by his sincerity-Inst.

5. With respect to:

On może jest starszy wiekiem ale nie usposobieniem. He maybe is older with

respect to age-Inst. but not deportment-Inst.

6. Certain time periods:

latem in the summer

nocą at night

po południu  in the afternoon

7. After the static-location prepositions między (between), nad (over), pod (under), przed (before), z (with), za (behind):

Idę na koncert z moimi dobrymi przyjaciółmi. I’m going to a concert with my good friends-Inst.

8. After certain verbs, e.g. interesować się (be interested in), kierować (direct),

zajmować się (be busy with, take care of), władać (have power over, master):

Interesuję się książkami historycznymi. I’m interested in historical books -Inst

Matka zajmuje się domem i dziećmi. Mother takes care of the house-Inst. and


Trzeba władać tym przypadkiem gramatycznym. One must master this grammatical case-Inst.

Tomorrow we will finish with Locative and Vocative cases.

Do następnego razu! (Till next time…)

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About the Author: Kasia

My name is Kasia Scontsas. I grew near Lublin, Poland and moved to Warsaw to study International Business. I have passion for languages: any languages! Currently I live in New Hampshire. I enjoy skiing, kayaking, biking and paddle boarding. My husband speaks a little Polish, but our daughters are fluent in it! I wanted to make sure that they can communicate with their Polish relatives in our native language. Teaching them Polish since they were born was the best thing I could have given them! I have been writing about learning Polish language and culture for Transparent Language’s Polish Blog since 2010.


  1. Mary Zurawski:

    I would like to print out these blogs on grammar. Could you advise me on how to do this. Your explanations are much clearer than what I have seen in the many books I have. Thank you for your excellent blogs.

    • Kasia:

      @Mary Zurawski Hi Mary!You could probably just highlight it and copy to a Word document, or highlight and print the part you need. If you are not able to do it, let me know and I will send you some files.