Polish Language Blog

President Komorowski to visit Chicago, Davos, New York in 2012 Posted by on Jan 11, 2012 in Culture, Current News

In 2012 Poland’s President Bronisław Komorowski will lead a Polish delegation to a NATO summit in Chicago, attend the Economic Forum in Davos and take part in a UN General Assembly session in New York.

In late January the Polish president will go to Davos and in early February to Munich to attend an international security conference.

In May President Komorowski will lead a Polish delegation to the NATO summit in Chicago, planned to discuss the future of the Afghan mission.

The Polish president will again pay a visit to the U.S. in autumn to attend a UN General Assembly session in New York during which President Komorowski is expected to present Poland’s position on most significant international issues.

In 2012 President Komorowski will continue to work for the strengthening of Poland’s position in the EU, developing bilateral contacts with EU member states and consolidating transatlantic relations within NATO and with the U.S.

Plans provide for moves designed to further consolidate good neighbourly relations with Germany and Ukraine and to expand contacts with the Baltic States.

The Polish president will also attend regional meetings, such as for instance summits of the Visegrad Group or of Central European presidents.

Do następnego razu… (Till next time…)

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About the Author: Kasia

My name is Kasia Scontsas. I grew near Lublin, Poland and moved to Warsaw to study International Business. I have passion for languages: any languages! Currently I live in New Hampshire. I enjoy skiing, kayaking, biking and paddle boarding. My husband speaks a little Polish, but our daughters are fluent in it! I wanted to make sure that they can communicate with their Polish relatives in our native language. Teaching them Polish since they were born was the best thing I could have given them! I have been writing about learning Polish language and culture for Transparent Language’s Polish Blog since 2010.


  1. John:

    Great, maybe he can ask the USA, personally, why Poland is excluded from the VWP(Visa Waiver Program) after being one of the USAs most trusted allies and one who accepted missiles in their country. But the Poles can’t go to the USA whilst E. Germans, Czechs, Slovaks, Lithuanians, Estonians, and the Latvians can.