Polish Language Blog

Tag Archives: akt urodzenia

Registration of Foreign Birth Certificate in Poland, part 2 Posted by on Nov 21, 2009

Here Barb tells us what to do in order to register birth certificates of minors born abroad. Registering the births of minors (osób małoletnich): Birth certificates of minors, born abroad, are registered on the basis of a written application, submitted by one of the parents to the Office of Vital Statistic (Urząd Stanu Cywilnego), along…

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Registration of Foreign Birth Certificate in Poland Posted by on Nov 18, 2009

Today we have a guest post by our favorite guest blogger, Barbara, about how to register your foreign birth certificate in Poland. All explained very clearly step by step in an easy to follow manner. This process is very important if you are planning to confirm your Polish citizenship. So, read on and take notes…

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