Polish Language Blog

Tag Archives: politics

The Untranslatables – episode 1: Politics Posted by on Mar 28, 2010

Today Adam (what a brave guy) tackles some totally incomprehensible to me political language. Yes, Poles sure do love their politics, and I, for one, am very glad that we have Adam to write about this. Because, frankly, I’d rather chew my leg off and bleed to death than talk politics. To understand Polish you…

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Conversations with Poles – What Not to Mention Posted by on Mar 7, 2010

One thing that becomes immediately apparent from Adam’s post is that an unprepared foreigner should avoid talking politics with a Pole whenever possible, because the experience may turn out to be less than pleasant. But don’t worry, even if you get two Poles discussing politics, chances are the conversation may become very heated. How does…

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Politics? Oh no! Posted by on Mar 3, 2010

Today we have another guest post from Adam. And brace yourselves, it’s about polityka – politics. Before I started writing for Polish Blog, Anna instructed me to never ever mention politics in my posts. I understand how this topic might be problematic and even uncomfortable. People have different views, and we wouldn’t want to discourage…

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