Polish Language Blog

Tag Archives: professions

In Search of the Right Ending… Posted by on Feb 6, 2010

Today I would like to introduce to you our brand new guest blogger – Adam Blomberg. He will be helping me out with the Polish Blog this month, because I think that after all this time of mostly Anna, you all must be hungry for something exciting and fun. And a new (and male at…

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Gender and Occupations, continued… Posted by on Mar 28, 2009

Remember when I mentioned that the EU head honchos in Brussels want us to stop using gender specific names for professions? I also said that it was something I agreed with. Wow! I never thought that that particular post would provoke so many emails. Both for and against. But you see, we already have many…

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Brussels Says – Get Rid of “Pani” and “Panna” Posted by on Mar 18, 2009

What is this I’m hearing about the paper pushers in Brussels telling us to not use words such as “Pani” and “Panna”? Or “Madame” and “Mademoiselle”, “Frau” and “Fraulein” and so on… Seriously, does anyone still even bother with those panna/mademoiselle/fraulein forms? The great majority of people I know never even use the word “Panna”…

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