Polish Language Blog

Tag Archives: proper names

Polish Diminutives – one more time Posted by on Apr 7, 2009

I think I should add a brief explanation regarding my previous post on diminutive proper names. I am fully aware that if you really want to you can create zdrobnienia of just about any name out there, including Agnieszka, for example. The difference between some names and others is this: while very few perfect strangers…

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Diminutives of Proper Names Posted by on Apr 3, 2009

Are you ready for more zdrobnienia (diminutives)? I’m not… But I thought I’d give them a shot anyway. I told you already that I’m not particularly fond of diminutives. And if there is a thing I dislike even more, that will be diminutive forms of proper names. Hate the stuff. Really. Lucky are the people…

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