Portuguese Language Blog

07 Brazilian Idioms (My Fave is #4!) Posted by on Nov 7, 2014 in Vocabulary


Image by az via Flickr – http://ow.ly/Bx4PT

Olá, pessoal! Tudo bem?

Well, you know that I LOVE idioms and so I make a point at teaching you guys the most common Brazilian Portuguese idioms I come across.

Estão prontos? Vamos lá!

01. A gota d’água – the last straw

Quando ele chegou ao trabalho atrasado novamente, seu chefe disse que era a gota d’água e o demitiu imediatamente.
When he came to work late again, his boss said that was the last straw and fired him at once.

02. Torrar grana – to blow money

Como é que o Pedro conseguiu torrar tanta grana em tão pouco tempo?
I wonder how Pedro managed to blow so much money in such a short time!

03. Vender que nem água – to sell like hot cakes

É um ótimo produto. Tenho certeza de que vai vender que nem água.
It’s a great product. I’m sure it will sell like hot cakes.

04. Segurar vela – to be the third wheel

Ela me convidou para ir ao cinema, mas como o namorado dela também vai, eu não quis ficar segurando vela.
She invited me to to go the movies, but as her boyfriend is going too, I didn’t want to be the third wheel.

05. Pular a cerca – to fool around, to cheat on someone

O Rafael nunca foi fiel à esposa. Ele está sempre pulando a cerca com outras mulheres.
Rafael has never been faithful to his wife. He’s always fooling around with other women.

06. Namorar firme – to go steady

Você sabia que o André e a Rosana estão namorando firme? Parece que eles estão até com planos de casar.
Did you know André and Rosana are going steady? It seems that they even have plans to get married.

07. Guardar ressentimento / mágoa – to hold a grudge

Não é bom ficar guardando mágoa. Converse com ele e resolva as coisas de uma vez por todas.
It’s not good to hold a grudge. Talk to him and work things out once and for all.

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About the Author: Adir

English / Spanish teacher and translator for over 20 years. I have been blogging since 2007 and I am also a professional singer in my spare time.