Portuguese Language Blog

Archive for September, 2020

Brazil’s newest banknote Posted by on Sep 30, 2020

Good morning to all readers! Bom dia a todos os leitores! Today’s topic is a major attention-grabber: dinheiro (money)! Have you been keeping up with the notícias (news) in Brazil over the past few months? If the answer is yes, then you probably must have heard about the new banknote valor (denomination) that has taken…

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Brazilian states: Mato Grosso do Sul Posted by on Sep 21, 2020

Olá, amigos leitores! Hello, dear readers! Vocês já ouviram falar do Mato Grosso do Sul? Have you heard of Mato Grosso do Sul? This might not be a household name to many of you, but you probably heard of Pantanal, right? As part of our ongoing series on estados brasileiros (Brazilian states), today is Mato…

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Explore Brazilian museums online! Posted by on Sep 10, 2020

Saudações a todos leitores! Greetings to all readers!. My question for you today is: how can we conhecer (get to know) a country? Some of you might say that it can be be through experience, contact with the culture, its pessoas (people) and also through reading articles and videos that try to explain some facts…

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