Portuguese Language Blog

Archive for October, 2020

10 spices you will find in every Brazilian household – Part II Posted by on Oct 30, 2020

[10 Temperos que você vai encontrar em uma cozinha brasileira] Boa tarde, caros leitores! Good afternoon, dear readers! Today’s text will resume our list from earlier this month that compiles the most typical temperos (spices) you are likely to come across in a Brazilian cozinha (kitchen). Westartedof with cinco (5) staple items: alho (garlic), cebola…

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Brazilian states: Amazonas Posted by on Oct 21, 2020

Olá, amigos leitores. Hello, dear readers. I would like you to imagine a territory of approximately 1.5 million square kilometers, which is more than twice the tamanho (size) of the state of Texas or the area of France, Spain, Sweden and Greece combined. Kinda big isn’t it? And this is the size of the maior…

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10 spices you will find in every Brazilian household Posted by on Oct 12, 2020

[10 Temperos que você vai encontrar em uma cozinha brasileira] Olá, pessoal! Hello, everyone! Como vocês têm passado? How is it going for you? Much of the gastronomic culture and uniqueness of a place is generally the outcome of the variety of temperos (spices) and also the way they are used during the preparation. For…

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