Archive for November, 2021
How to use the word ‘cara’ in Portuguese Posted by carol on Nov 30, 2021

Olá, meus caros leitores! Como estão? December is almost here, can you believe it? Hang on…por que vocês estão fazendo essa cara? Why are you making that face? Our post today is about a word that us Portuguese speakers, specially Brazilians hold very dear: cara. Have you ever used it before? Literally speaking, cara is a…
Can you match these sayings in Portuguese? Posted by carol on Nov 24, 2021

Olá, pessoal! Hi, everyone! Every language and culture has their own sayings, or as it goes in Portuguese, provérbios or ditados populares. They are common expressions dating back from ancient times whose origins no one can really pinpoint, but most falantes (speakers) of a certain language have heard. Usually in a metaphorical style, sayings describe…
Brazilian music icon dies in plane crash Posted by carol on Nov 8, 2021
Amid a deep economic, political, hygienic and environmental crisis, 2021 was hardly a year of joy and prosperity for Brazilians. And yet, tragedy strikes again. Na tarde de sexta-feira (on Friday afternoon), November 5th, Brazil perdeu (lost) the 26-year-old singer Marilia Mendonça, whose vida se encerrou (life ended) tragically after um acidente de avião (an airplane…